SimplifAI Contract GRC

Stay on Top of
All Risks & Compliances

SimpleO uses the power of AI to provide you 100% transparency into all active contractual obligations

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Manage Obligations
from Contract on Day One

SimplifAI Contract GRC automates the extraction of every contractual obligation and assigns it to the right point-of-contact

SimplifAI Contract-GRC minimizes risks by centralizing and automating obligations management
Leverage the power of AI to auto assign risk into categories, levels and the right SPOCs
Provides real-time visibility into all contractual obligations, ensuring compliance and adherence to SLAs

Never Miss a
Contractual Deadline

The GRC dashboard is a powerful tool to track the status of all your contractual obligations and ensure all deadlines are met

Track status of risks across departments, risk types, levels and departments
Use the Risk Calendar to view upcoming risks and their potential impact
Create CXO and Board level views to empowers leadership with data-driven insights

Explore the SimpleO Platform

The End to end AI powered contracts management platform

Obligation Extraction

You've signed a contract... what needs to be done now?

Obligation Management

Automatically manage contractual obligations from signing to completion


Know where you are spending your legal real estate.

Streamline contract management while leaving the legal chores to AI

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