SimplifAI Data Room

Find the Right Contract, Easily

SimplifAI Data Room securely stores all executed contracts, context, and related files. Powered by AI, we make it easy to find exactly what you’re looking for.

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Secure Storage
for Your Contracts

Compliant with ISO 27001 & SOC 2 standards for data security
Data is encrypted at-rest as well as in transit, making sure your critical business data is always safe
Super granular access control with admin access to complete audit trail of who accesses the contracts and when

Semantic Search

Backed by AI, all of your contract’s metadata is extracted – giving you the power to conduct an intelligent search. Need all contracts expiring in 6 months or signed by the CFO? We’ve got you.

Keep All the Context
With the Contract

Save all comments and edits made while drafting. Auto link all SOWs and Addendums to the contract for the latest information.

AI Powered
Contract Summary & Review

Find key terms without even opening the contract. Instantly review existing contracts for any changes in regulation and best practices.

Explore the SimpleO Platform

The End to end AI powered contracts management platform

AI Playbook

Let our AI learn your organization's rules, language, and best practices

AI Chatbot

Get answers to your contracts without going through the whole document

Contract Summary

Know what your contract is about - without becoming a lawyer overnight.

Streamline contract management while leaving the legal chores to AI

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