
Check out our comprehensive set of AI powered features to help you simplify contract management

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Calendar View

Your Google Calendar, for upcoming risks, obligations, and renewals.

  • Stay in the know with what's upcoming.
  • Immediately know what needs to be handled, by when, and its status.
Contract Templates

Create a template that you can consistently deploy.

  • With templates, simply fill out a questionnaire with your variables to complete the contract.
  • Go from draft to execution within seconds.
Contract Creation

Use your playbook to generate new contracts, with your organization's rules and best practices.

  • Generate contracts within seconds using your playbook.
  • Review any contract against your playbook to know immediately what's consistent, missing, or deviated from your best practices.
Enterprise-Grade Encryption

We've implemented comprehensive security to give you peace of mind: your data is safe with us.

  • We encrypt data at rest (AES 256) and in transit (TLS 1.2 or higher)
  • All encryption with your key, which means we can't access your data, either.
Saved Comments

Context and comments are stored throughout the platform.

  • Know the context in which a decision is made - 5 months or 5 years down the line.
  • Track approvals for deviations or any important notes.
Obligation Management

Automatically manage contractual obligations from signing to completion

  • Auto cateogrize obligations based on risk type, level and department.
  • Manage risk by uploading evidence for completion of an obligation

Execute your document within the SimpleO platform.

  • Use the tools you're comfortable with to execute the contract: SignEasy, AdobeSign, and Docusign.
  • Counterparties can sign with ease: no account is needed.

Know where you are spending your legal real estate.

  • Understand the types of compliances you're taking on. Financial, security, other? 
  • At a glance, understand how high each risk is, where it's coming from, and what actions you can take.
Obligation Extraction

You've signed a contract... what needs to be done now?

  • Our AI will extract your contractual obligations, so you don't have to.
  • Based on a one-time set-up, we will automatically assign tasks to the right point-of-contacts.
Audit Trail

Track any activity on your contracts, down to the granular details.

  • Have peace of mind with a complete audit trail of who is accessing your contracts.
  • Know The 4 Ws: What, Who, When and Where
Redlining Changes

Changes made to a contract? Back and forth with a counter party? Fret not, we'll let you know what's changed.

  • You can track changes easily. Know who changed what, and where.
  • Compare and contract different versions with ease.
Version Control

Editing your contracts? Received a new contract? No problem.

  • We'll organize all the files with version control, which you can name and save.
  • You will have access to all versions, even when the document is executed.
Permissions Management

Stay in control. Grant team members the right level of access to keep your business running smoothly - and safely.

  • Our permissions management allows you to grand specific controls to users.
  • This can get as granular as to viewing a specific clause in a contract.
Smart Search

Looking for something else? We've got that, too.

  • Looking for something more specific.. like all contracts where the payment terms deviate from the playbook?
  • Type it in our search bar and we'll find it.
Smart View

Are you looking for something? We've got it.

  • SMART View allows you to sort, filter, and search all your contracts to find the right ones with ease.
  • Looking for all contracts greater than $5M expiring in 6 months? All contracts signed by the CFO in 2018? In a specific jurisdiction? Give us one second.
Personal Workspace

A space for you to work on your documents - in private, before they're ready to be shared.

  • This personal workspace is built specifically for you.
  • Explicit permissions need to be granted to allow access to other parties.
AI Chatbot

Get answers to your contracts without going through the whole document

  • Ask any question specific to your contract.
  • All answers are based on clauses from your contracts - no hallucinations.
Contract Summary

Know what your contract is about - without becoming a lawyer overnight.

  • Our summary view pulls out the highlights of the contract without changing any of the language.
  • Immediately know what's important: effective dates, liabilities, obligations.
Related Files

Related files are stored hierarchically: one logical document

  • Our AI automatically identifies documents related to a parent agreement
  • Flexible: storage can include other documents, such as approvals over email or excel sheets.
Teams Workspace

Work with your team. Use the teams workspace to collaborate and share documents.

  • A shared location for collaboration, allowing you to organize your teams
  • Grant access to the right stakeholders together
AI Playbook

Let our AI learn your organization's rules, language, and best practices

  • Holistically review your entire contract in minutes, without combing through it line-by-line
  • When rules change, validate that existing contracts meet the new rules and regulations

Streamline contract management while leaving the legal chores to AI

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