SimplifAI Sign

Fastest Way to
Close Contracts

SimplifAI SIGN utilizes GenAI to help streamline contract creation, collaboration, review, and signing

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Contract Creation

Generate different types of contracts, starting from scratch or using templates
Streamline contract creation and review with the AI powered Playbook of your best practices, language, and clauses
Ensure compliance and consistency with legal standards across your organization with a user-friendly and intuitive interface

Simplify Negotiation
& Collaboration

Design approval flows based on your organisational requirements. Negotiate, modify and sign agreements all from within the platform

Fast Track
Contract Reviews

With your AI powered playbook, SimpleO highlights deviations on external contracts making review more accurate and faster

Explore the SimpleO Platform

The End to end AI powered contracts management platform

AI Playbook

Let our AI learn your organization's rules, language, and best practices

Contract Creation

Use your playbook to generate new contracts, with your organization's rules and best practices.


Execute your document within the SimpleO platform.

Streamline contract management while leaving the legal chores to AI

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