
Check out our comprehensive set of AI powered features to help you simplify contract management

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Obligation Extraction

You've signed a contract... what needs to be done now?

  • Our AI will extract your contractual obligations, so you don't have to.
  • Based on a one-time set-up, we will automatically assign tasks to the right point-of-contacts.
Obligation Management

Automatically manage contractual obligations from signing to completion

  • Auto cateogrize obligations based on risk type, level and department.
  • Manage risk by uploading evidence for completion of an obligation

Know where you are spending your legal real estate.

  • Understand the types of compliances you're taking on. Financial, security, other? 
  • At a glance, understand how high each risk is, where it's coming from, and what actions you can take.
Calendar View

Your Google Calendar, for upcoming risks, obligations, and renewals.

  • Stay in the know with what's upcoming.
  • Immediately know what needs to be handled, by when, and its status.

Streamline contract management while leaving the legal chores to AI

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