
Check out our comprehensive set of AI powered features to help you simplify contract management

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AI Playbook

Let our AI learn your organization's rules, language, and best practices

  • Holistically review your entire contract in minutes, without combing through it line-by-line
  • When rules change, validate that existing contracts meet the new rules and regulations
Contract Creation

Use your playbook to generate new contracts, with your organization's rules and best practices.

  • Generate contracts within seconds using your playbook.
  • Review any contract against your playbook to know immediately what's consistent, missing, or deviated from your best practices.

Execute your document within the SimpleO platform.

  • Use the tools you're comfortable with to execute the contract: SignEasy, AdobeSign, and Docusign.
  • Counterparties can sign with ease: no account is needed.
Contract Templates

Create a template that you can consistently deploy.

  • With templates, simply fill out a questionnaire with your variables to complete the contract.
  • Go from draft to execution within seconds.
Version Control

Editing your contracts? Received a new contract? No problem.

  • We'll organize all the files with version control, which you can name and save.
  • You will have access to all versions, even when the document is executed.
Redlining Changes

Changes made to a contract? Back and forth with a counter party? Fret not, we'll let you know what's changed.

  • You can track changes easily. Know who changed what, and where.
  • Compare and contract different versions with ease.

Streamline contract management while leaving the legal chores to AI

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